Saturday, December 5, 2009

so...the name.

okay so, the name of my blog is totally and absolutely utterly random but it sounded cool in my head, ok? actually no it didn't but who cares. anyway, i would like to say a few words...lily&james forever, never ever ever snape and lily. even if i do like snape and he is good and all, lily&james are just too perfect together. so if annie ever reads this blog, heed my words, and never ever ever say snape and lily belong, okay?

anywhooo, i finished reading bloodhound last night, even though it cost me my dinner. as in as soon as i got home, i ate a little bit of food, and straight to reading i went. i read until about 9:15pm, i think and i started at around yeah. i couldn't put it down. x] back to the connection between reading and my dinner, well, since i was reading from 4:45 - 9:15 straight, i didn't even put my book down to eat dinner, or take a shower...which i did at 9:30. i was well and truly addicted. p.s beka&rosto forever and always. they totally belong, like lily&james.

but you know the best pairing of all? rose&scorpius. thanks to j.k rowling, they were practically put together, even if she did only put them in the epilogue, and they were only...what? 11 years old? well really, they are in the same year...they're practically made for each other. oh, i love the harry potter series. it is so totally awesome, most people will agree with me...

oh and one more thing, twilight sucks total shit. hell yeah people.

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to say-- thank you! I suddenly got addicted to Rose and Scorpius fanfictions after reading this post. Agh, they are gooood together!!
    But I still like Snape and Lily. Even though without James, Harry would never be born.
    But Snape loved her forever. And always. And he's so sweet when he does stuff that reminds him of her. He cried! And I cried when I read that awesome 'The Prince's Tale' chapter!

    Ahh. Have a nice day.
    And I agree with the Twilight comment, though I'd rather you toned down your vulgarity. But after all, you did warn everybody, so whatever, I guess.
