Wednesday, December 23, 2009

on a full stomach

this is weird. i haven't eaten anything all day except for one timtam and one large fruit smoothie. i've just had dinner and i couldn't even finish it. there's really something wrong. well, not really. it's good i'm eating less. i can finally get skinnier. lol.

you know, i was just writing a story before dinner, you didn't guess it. it wasn't rose and scorpius. it was about alanna in song of the lioness. it was weird. well yeah. i've only written one page. oh well, i can dream of being a writer.

my story is quite different from what happens in the actual story. if you've read that quartet/series, i'll explain. if you haven't read it, go read it, or go away. anyway, so in my story so far, alanna and thom have an older brother, who is a knight-to-be. and alanna is actually girly, so she's going to the convent and thom is going to be a sorceror. that's all i've really got so far, but here's the actual plan for the story:

◊ alanna goes to the convent
◊ jason (older brother) is friends with jonathon
◊ alanna goes to the palace
◊ jason introduces his little sister to jon
◊ they fall in love
◊ and live happily ever after

a complication comes along somewhere in there. i haven't decided yet, but i just thought of the idea for this story a few hours ago, so whatever. hopefully i will continue this story.

i don't want another failed story. so yeah...i really need to get going on that love do-decagon.

i might go write now.

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