Monday, December 21, 2009

my feet hurt.

so i've got my laptop on my lap, (hence the name laptop), and i put my feet in the table. and the table is hard. so my feet hurt. more specifically, my heels hurt.

who cares about know, the silences between each mario kart race/course is a little awkward. well, more than a little. it's really weird.

i was talking to cousin j yesterday about guys in sbhs and then the race ended. and then it was silent. except me and cousin j talking 'quietly'. and then i could tell people were listening to our conversation. it was awkward but funny.

you know, we walked to woolies before, (me, sister s, cousin j, cousin a, ff c & ff j) and it was quite hot. and were walking there to buy ice cream. we bought cookies & cream and mint choc chip. we were walking back and it was hot. i thought the ice cream would at least melt a little, but it didn't. evidence of this?

well, we were trying to scoop out some cookies & cream ice cream but it was so hard to do. so yeah. cookies & cream and mint choc chip taste really nice separately and mixed together. :D


awkward silences. :)

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