Friday, December 25, 2009

fudge cookies!

today, i put sophia's birthday present to use. i made some cookies with it. by the way the present was a cookie book and some stuff, not flour and eggs. yeah, i made some really nice chocolate fudge cookies.

i took a little bit to make, cos i'm so slow with cooking. i would fail in masterchef. yeah, i know, i suck. :P

anyway with the cookies, i mixed all the ingredients together to make the dough-ish thing. so i scooped a little out and put it on the flour covered table. well, i tried. it just stuck to my hands cos it was so sticky. ugh. so then i put some flour on it, and then i got the rolling pin. and i rolled it out. well, i tried to (familiar situation?). but it just stuck to the rolling pin this time. ugh. so i put it aside and used my hands. oh yeah, did i say that i was making the cookies with my sister's help? well she helped, but when i cleaned up all the ingredients after making the mixture, she just sat there eating chocolate while i cleaned up.


oh well, anyway, so i used the cookie cutters and i made some cookies. and mine looked all demented while sister s' looked practically perfect. i suck man. oh well.

and then we finished that. when the cookies were in the oven, i cleaned up everything, while sister s went off, back to the computer. darn her. so i cleaned it all up and washed the mixing bowl, etc. and when i was washing the stuff, i told my sister to watch the cookies. so she did, then i finished washing the dishes, etc and then the cookies looked done, so i asked her if she wanted to take them out. she said, "well you said they look good, why don't you take them out?"

seriously, she is insufferable sometimes. well, the cookies tasted really nice when they were fresh out of the oven. they were nice and hot. :)

okay, enough cookie-talk. i'm going. bye.

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