Tuesday, December 29, 2009

too little sleep...

i had an optometrist appointment today (this morning) at 9.00. i'm so tired. i'm only so tired because i stayed up so late last night, and that wasn't my fault. i was at cousin a's house, like i said, and we didn't leave until after 2.00am this morning. i had to get up at 8-8.30, and i had trouble with my contacts, so i slept sometime after 2.30am.

so, basically, i got
less than 6 hours of sleep.

how annoying is that? i'm too awake to go back to sleep.

oh and sister n's friends have come over. and they're really loud. they're so into their raving rabbids wii game. well it's my wii. xD nah, i don't care.

sister n uses my/sister s' wii all the time.

the wii is more mine rather than sister s' :)

heh. >:)

i'm going now.

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