Sunday, December 13, 2009

blank pages.

i've just been staring at this page, and filled in nothing; not the title of the actual post. i couldn't think of anything to write. omg i totally forgot about this. xP

so i've got some little video clips on my iPod, including the charlie the unicorn series, and potter puppet pals and i'm getting some taylor swift video clips. :)

it's fun watching charlie the unicorn. my message tone is one of the songs from charlie the unicorn. the songs are funny. there's one song in each video (3 vids) and it's really funny. i got one of the videos on the sidebar-ish thing to the right of this post. it's charlie the unicorn 2 and my favourite of the 3.

i still have to have something to write about for the next and last post of the day. i think i'll save tamora pierce for that. :)

you know, i have absolutely
no idea what i would like to be when i grow up. it's quite sad of me. i gave up my goal of becoming a doctor, cos too many people want to be one. i want to be a designer as my second job and hobby, but i don't know what my main job would be. :(

oh well, i have a few years to think about it. i'll make my decision later, when i have a better idea.

you know, blank pages is part of the lyrics in love song by sara bareilles. :)

anyway, i'm tired. i should sleep, but it's too early. i've got no homework since i've only got 3 more days of school. :D well actually, i have that picture book due but i don't want to do it. whatever.

see ya later alligators.

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