Sunday, December 20, 2009

another goal? preposterous.

okay, so i've made up this stupid goal to complete.

it is...

to do seven more posts today.

so, that's 1 done, 6 to go, cos this would be post #1 out of 7.

you know, i'm at cousin a's house. i slept over last night, cos we have a surprise party for my family friends' mum's birthday. and my mum and dad had to go somewhere, and we decided to sleep over. me and sister n anyway. when we decided to go, sister s was already asleep. :)

they rearranged the front room, my aunt and cousin did. it's basically just swapped around. it looks like 2 rooms joined together, and they moved everything from one half to the other. just swapping, really. :)

i'm listening to our song by taylor swift right now. she looks so pretty in that video clip. :( it makes me feel bad.

you know, when i typed bad, i typed bag, but then i backspaced it. the same thing happened just then, at the beginning of the paragraph. :P so, the bag reminded me of the textiles bag i made. well, it's not exactly finished yet. i should finish it by the 29th. cos i'm going shopping with my friends, and i don't have any good bags to bring. the ones i'm buying can't ship that fast.

yeah, i don't think they can. cos the shipping takes 1-6 days, and that's excluding weekends, so yeah. :S i might get it before the 29th but might not. i might get my mum to finish it for me. she said to give it to her to finish anyway. LOL.

i need to save some topics for the rest of the 6 that are to come. :P

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