Tuesday, December 22, 2009

it's back. no, wait...it's gone.

seriously, i had that topic thing in my head just then but i forgot it again. stupid me.

oh yeah, just to tell the people who are going, i'm not going to the city with you people. it's sad, but my parents won't let me. oh yeah, and glo? it might be called off, so be prepared. :P

oh wait, i got a new topic.

you know, i actually still believe in fairytale/happy endings? even though my brain knows that it is near impossible for that to happen, i still believe that everyone will be with "the one" for them in the end. it's really weird. i know,
i'm really weird.

do you believe in fairytale endings? maybe just happy endings is more believable. comment about what you think. cos i believe in them.

i really love the song "accidentally in love" by counting crows. accidentally in love was in shrek. i don't know which shrek it was in, but i love this song. as soon as my sister started playing it, i knew where it was from, and she gave it to me. so i listen to it sort of frequently. sort of. :)

i really want to write a story about that love do-decagon that me & glo wrote. to find out about what on earth the love do-decagon is go to my post called "before i go."

i was just looking through my many blog posts, and i realise that i have completed my goal. see my post "goal : 62" for full terms and conditions details.

random again. i think there's something wrong with me.

p.s yang is trying to see my blog.
p.p.s if he does, i don't care.
p.p.p.s you suck yang.
p.p.p.p.s i don't care if you insult me, you're just trying to find something to do with your life.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rachel, haven't looked for a while :)
    I believe in 'the one'. I guess I believe in happy endings too... but fairytale endings? What actually is a fairytale ending?
    Ahh, and I searched up Accidentally in Love in youtube a moment ago, and it's great!
    And I hope you do write about that love do-decagon.
    And Yang is a funny boy :) I think he's stalking me...
