Saturday, December 26, 2009

boxing day.

you know what? all the good movies come out today, on boxing day.

well, new movies come out. the alvin & the chipmunks "squeakquel" looks really retarded, and like my cousin a said, they look like sluts. xD

but the lovely bones looks like a really good movie. my friend (friend k) recommended the book, and cousin a's favourite book is the lovely bones.

so yeah, i really want to watch it.

i'm going to try and convince my mum to let us go to the movies next tuesday, cos movies is cheaper on tuesdays.

and i really want to go to DFO.

i need some chucks. and i need some flats. and i just need more shoes in general. :)

yeah, and both my sisters need some chucks and yeah.

but i need flats too, so i need to go more than they need to go. xD

i'll write up a post in an hour or so.

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