Tuesday, December 29, 2009

second chance

so i turned off my laptop so we could leave, right? then me & my sisters told my dad that my mum wasn't going...so my dad said "fine we're not going" and i was like wtf? i turned off my freaking laptop.

oh well. then my uncle called and asked why we weren't there. my dad said cos my mum wasn't going. and then yeah.

but then my family friends' mum was there & she said she brought her hair stuff. well, she's a hairdresser and the other night my mum was saying she didn't like her hairstyle, so family friends' mum brought her hairdresser stuff and then my mum was like okay, let's go. but my dad didn't go. so we went and yeahh :)

but then my uncle drove to my house and picked up my dad. my dad couldn't go by himself cos his car is dead.

so...yeah. no arguments, so i'm happy.


we played mario kart & super smash bros. brawl :) "funfunfun" --gold-streak/jelly/leaf OR some random darking from tamora pierce series "the immortals."


okay random.


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