Thursday, December 31, 2009

late-night swimming...

just then, me, my 2 sisters & my 2 cousins went swimming.

yes, we were late-night swimming.

at 10:45pm - 11:15pm on christmas eve.

it was fun.

especially when i used to hose on my older sister. >:D hehe.

you know, it was really funny after we swam.

my aunt - cousin a's mum - offered to hose us down instead of all of us taking showers.

we agreed...

and then she went inside, and then came outside a few minutes later holding soap.

so we walked into a suitable spot, and then she turned on the hose and wet our heads, saying that we had to put shampoo on our heads. so we did, and our heads got washed down. then we used the body soap, then we get re-hosed-down. and then we dried ourselves with our towels and went inside to change.

it was very funny.

and surprisingly, it wasn't that cold. :D

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