Tuesday, December 22, 2009


i've just spent my last half hour reading rose/scorpius stories. it's really funny and most of them are really really good. the rest of them are either really good or in another language. :)

so i need to write a bunch more posts by the end of today & i've got absolutely nothing to write about.

oh i just remembered something. i won another bag on eBay. it's pretty and it's a light/sky blue. it looks really awesome and i'm getting it soon, hopefully. it will take about 3-5 days to ship it, but i only just won it yesterday, and apparently there's a strike today for postal offices and the like. so that's an extra day. so i'll get it on the 30th at the latest. yay. and i'll get the other thing i won really soon. on christmas day at most i think. lol.

i think i should restrain myself from eBay now. i've been going crazy recently, and i'm blowing my money. yeah. i still have money to buy stuff, but i need to save it for...later.

my blog is getting more and more boring everyday, i reckon. i think it's cos i don't have a whole day of school to report on anymore, since it's the holidays. you know, we don't know where we're having the annual family christmas party this year. hmm. oh well, at least we're having one. i think.

my mum's complaining about bills again. i know, the prices are going up, but talking about the bills make me feel uncomfortable. don't ask me why, cos i don't know.

whatever, bye.

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