Sunday, December 13, 2009

sunday morning boringness

okay, i'm here to write about the events of my sunday morning boringness. well, every sunday morning, i wake up late and brush my teeth, etc, go downstairs, have brunch and then sit and draw/read/listen to music or go on the computer. how nice, you say. well, no. it's so boring. i hate it. well actually sometimes i like it, but that's only when i have something to do with that time on my hands. i'm not even sure what i wrote makes sense. i'm not bothered to read through it and i feel a little dizzy. and my shoulders hurt. poo.

hmph...i need to play DS or something. there is absolutely nothing to do. i'm sick of drawing and reading and there is nothing to do on the computer and listening to music only is sort of, well, boring.

this morning, my mum said that cousin a is going to model clothes for cousin a's mum's friend's online clothes business. and she said cousin j might when she gets older too. and then she said i'm fat. it's true, but i feel sad. oh well. i try not to eat bad stuff. D: i'm just a stupid fat person. :)

i'm not sure why i put a happy face at the end of the paragraph, but oh well. i'm really tired. i slept at 11:30 on friday night to wake up at 6:40. then i went back to sleep, woke up at 9:00 and lay in bed until 11:00am. pssht. then last night, i slept at 00:30. so early in the morning. and then i woke up at 8:30, went back to sleep until 10:00 and got out of bed. barely any sleep. well, not good sleep, anyway.

not really about boring sunday mornings but whatever.

1 comment:

  1. you are not fat and ugly Rachel!You are being too hard on yourself!You are perfectly normal!:P
