Sunday, December 6, 2009

beaches and pools

i was just recounting a story at the beach to a friend. it was funny. so this will be my last post for today. i have to finish this in 5 minutes...

so i hate beaches and i like pools. people like beaches better but i hate them. the only time i like them are when they are deserted, with flour-y sand and clear blue water, which is not salty. like the beach in green patch. near the camping place. it's so nice there. i don't have a burn scar because of it. :] it's cleans it and it's good cos it's salt water. i like pools cos they are fun and there are no complete strangers there, and it's not salty, and it's fun because i'm with cousins, my sisters and family friends.

i remember that time (at the very beginning of this year) when i slept over at my cousin's house. it was me and my younger sister, 2 family friends (they are brothers), another family friend (a girl) and my cousin. we stayed up gossiping about people. it was fun and my aunt kept coming out to tell us to shut up. it was hilarious. so yeah, it was good. the next morning, we went out and had a swim. i remembered refusing to swim, cos i didn't feel like it, but they begged and i did swim after all. it was fun.

anywhoo, enough recounting. i didn't finish it in 5 minutes, but oh well.

see ya later.

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