Friday, December 25, 2009

mario kart wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

mario kart wii.

it's a fun game.

really fun.

you should play it.

if you already have, you know how fun it is. yeah.

me and my sisters were playing. i failed at a few races, though overall i was coming 2nd. yay :)

of course, sister n was coming 1st. if you beat her, she growls and threatens to kick you arse. she means it literally. and in the game, she kicks you arse too. quite badly i might add. and sister s was coming 3rd. so yeah, we're pretty okay at it. :)

i play with the wheel, so being second says i'm either really good at driving, or i just hang back, get awesome items, think of evil plans, and use those evil plans to come first.

i'll let you decide which tactics i use.

p.s i'm not smart enough to think of good plans, so that would mean that i'm a good driver. i am, around 40% of the time. lol.


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