Monday, December 7, 2009

i think i will.

yes, i think i will...

post a blog each day...
and you will read what i say.
so, really, this is the way
I like to write, okay?

so, that was random, i suck at poems, as you can see. and i like horses. i've read a few books from a horse's point of view. it's quite interesting.

so, over the randomness now, that was just to say, that i will try to write up a post each day, just for me to relive it all over again (which i'm not sure is a good thing) and to reveal my life to all those reading out there. there can't be too many.

anyway...i am currently listening to atomic kitten. cos my iTunes is on shuffle. like always. now it's taylor swift. taylor swift has catchy songs. i remember that i liked her, then i started hating her cos shannon kept listening to the same taylor swift songs over and over. on REPEAT. so i hated taylor swift. but now, i like her songs again. yeah.

but i like ABBA better. ABBA is just so cool. :] i also like the ABBA movie. well the parts i've watched so far. i've only seen the first half. i'm curious as to how it turns out.

this post is now over.

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