Saturday, December 12, 2009

goal : 62

my goal by the end of the year : to get 62 posts. even though i didn't start until after the le premier decémbre, it would be 2 posts for each day of december. :D well, that is a pointless goal. but, i think i will reach it and go over that amount. :L my holidays may or may not be boring, so i think i will have at least a bit of free time on my hands to write up some stuff describing my extremely plain holidays. we aren't putting up the tree this year, so that's a contributing factor.

also, there's this girl at school that i don't like. she's annoying and mean sometimes and real up herself at times. i really want to yell at her and tell her to get some sense, but i have self-control. thank merlin. i just wrote merlin for some odd reason. i think it's the fanfics getting to my head. all or most of the witches and wizards say thank merlin or something in the fanfics so yeah.

short post...toodles.

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