Saturday, December 12, 2009


so the trip was cancelled [hours ago]. i'm currently at my cousin's house. and there's signs of technology everywhere. seriously, cousin j is using her iPod, sister s is using her ds & sister n is as well. i am using my laptop and my iPod is charging and cousin a is using the computer. so yeah. me, sister n & s and cousin j are all lying or sitting in the front room, it's pretty much silent. well not really. it's just real quiet. cousin a is using the room across the hall thing. :)

so, with lovesong by amiel, i've upped the playcount by 100+ today. i'm putting it on repeat. i suspect i'll get sick of it soon enough.

i'm sort of tired already and it's only 9:30. time's going so slowly. maybe i should've brought the wii after all. oh well. i've been reading but i stopped so i think tetris should do it. :)

okay so about 20 minutes later...

now i'm bored with tetris. i really need something time-consuming or fun to do. any ideas? well, no one really reads this, but for future reference, i need some ideas that will make time pass more quickly. "Time flies when one is having fun." time passes faster in school! in science for crying out loud!

no, come on, really. i need some help. D: someone help me.


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