Sunday, December 20, 2009

2, my favourite number.

well you know, 2 actually is my favourite number. i love the number 2 & 4. oh, you know what? 2 isn't my favourite number. 2 & 4 are my equal favourites.

i hate how americans spell their words...well these words especially:



and when i write the aussie way in my blogs, there's always the red line underneath it. it's stupid.

i also find jail so american, but i find gaol plain weird. so i just don't use that word. i haven't used that word in ages.

i haven't written much in this blog post. i can't wait to go shopping with my friends. well, if my freaking parents let me. so i'm only allowed to go if friend a2 and/or friend v go. ugh. and friend v is going to melbourne, so it depends on friend friend a2. >:(

i hope friend a2 goes. if not, i'll die. hmph.

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