Tuesday, December 15, 2009

christmas presents!

if there's anything [under 20 bucks] that anyone wants for a christmas present, comment and i might just get it for you. keep in mind that i may not have time to buy it, and you will receive it next year at school, or in the holidays if i see you*. this only applies to:

♥ glory, anna
♥ a knee
♥ joe, air n
♥ rawr knee
♥ owl ice (dunno why i made it owl)
♥ so far
♥ shin
♥ some other seven (oh!) people
♥ & people who have given me presents

if i've forgotten you, post a comment. (i check my blog everyday, cos i have so much free time on my hands) so yeah, i'll see it.

if your name is on the list & you read this blog, send me an email/comment on this blog/comment on my bebo/talk to me on msn & write what you want (with a reasonable price tag) and i may or may not get it for you. :) though, i expect a little something in return. ;) i can't just go broke, ya know.

p.s people on that list already have my email/added me on bebo, so yeah.

*or it can be an early birthday present, or whatever. conditions apply. see in-store for details.

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