Tuesday, December 8, 2009

so, today.

today was a half-interesting day. well, actually i have no idea. i just can't remember what happened to me today....

okay, so now i remember. firstly, i went on my train, only to find the seats a little full, so me and sofa and ronii walked over to the other carriage. but, lo and behold, there was a toilet. you know, those toilet cubicle-ish things that are on some trains? well yeah, there it was, and so we chose to sit in the walkway ish place. and so we did and we talked about stuff. i have no clue what, but yeah, we talked.

1st class: CHINESE ; so, we had ms. jackson. ugh, i can't stand the cursed old lady. she pronounces my name "Rar-chel". yeah, absolutely ridiculous. and we finished watching "Golden Monkey Subdued the Evil". what kind of movie is it? no, seriously...it's really weird. it sort of sounds cool. but it's actually an ugly looking monkey and it's all cartoon-y and OLD. the sound effects didn't sound like they should. and yeah.

2nd: FRENCH ; now, in french, i didn't bring my binder, so i had to use by trusty little exercise book and i wasted 2 pages writing down stuff. it was the second last french lesson of the year! oh well. but i like french. oh well, at least i'm doing it next year.

3rd: MATHS ; we had mr. wang today. he's really quite loud. it's odd. and funny. and he gave us this sheet, with questions written all over them. and it was double-sided! i only got through the first half of the first page. oh yeah, at the top, it said
year 7 revision. who was actually bothered to do it? i was. a little.

4th & 5th: SPORT ; yeah, so me and glo and sarah and christine and kim and anna do power-walking for sport each week. it's around 3-4km. are we fit or what? usually i'm only bothered to walk that far on cross-country days. even then, sometimes i'm not bothered. so, it was getting hot, but it wasn't too hot, so we were fine. and we weren't in the back of the group. we being me and glo. we were around the middle so yeah. happy about that. :) and then we walked back and after about 5 minutes, the bell rang for lunchtime.

6th & 7th: ENGLISH ; in english, we were supposed to be doing our picture books, and guess what? after about half a bloody hour, i finally drew a hand i was happy with! i drew about 8 hands. no, seriously. all the hands look so retarded. i'm only happy with it because i wasn't bothered to do another one.

8th: SCIENCE ; it was a lesson taught by some of my friends. we were learning about the excretory system. but me and glo weren't listening we were making love hexagons and squares and stuff. we also did a love decagon and a love do-decagon. yeah it was fun and we weren't listening. sorry the people who were teaching if you actually read this.

end of the day and we were on the train. it was hot and stuffy. and smelly according to jess and ronii. and yeah. i forgot to text my mum and i didn't notice when my mum called me or my sister texted me. so yeah. me and ronii waited at the station for a bit and then my mum came and the car was air conditioned and cooler than outside, but outside wasn't that hot.

so i got home. and i read and talked to my mum and nikki. and i haven't showered yet. if i had, this post wouldn't be here.

anywhoo, bye.

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