Sunday, December 6, 2009

a thing to fill my empty days

right now, i am doing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all [homer: stupid sexy flanders!] okay, so i got carried away, but who cares. all through dinner i was laa-ing along to if you seek amy, right? so yes, that happened, and then here i am writing with my iTunes on shuffle like it always is, and i thought to myself, now, i will not hum or laa to that tune anymore. so i clicked play and that was a boring song, so next i go. only the next song was if you seek amy. i mean, what are the chances? 1 in a 100? no actually, it's 1 in 444. so yeah. that just killed my plan. is everything, even iTunes, out to destroy my plans? oh whatever. simple plan will help me forget. even iTunes wouldn't kill that. :]

oh there's another thing to say...people out there who think cabramatta is more dangerous than bankstown, you are just stupid ignorant bitches, alright? you're obviously stuck in old times, because back then, cabramatta had all these gangs and was more dangerous, but now, if you look, which you so haven't, bankstown is more dangerous. well for me & my family and any other viets out there. and the people i've been arguing with are viet, so if the people i've argued with are reading this, i'm right, you're wrong, statistics would prove it if you even cared to check.

one more thing, cabra is cooler than bankstown. there is nothing, i repeat, absolutely nothing, at bankstown. and yes i've been there, so i can judge. i've been both places a fair few times at the very least, so i know it.
right now that is done, i will write what i intended to in the first place, which is that i want to watch
harry potter right now. i've only got 1-4 on dvd, so i don't know what to pick. 1 is stuffed a little, 2 is stuffed a little less than 1, 3 is good, but i've watched too many times, and i don't like 4. so yeah.

anywhoo, toodle-oo

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