Thursday, December 31, 2009

birkenhead point :)

me, my family & stuff (me + 2 sisters + mum + dad + 2 cousins + 2 uncles + 2 aunts) went to birkenhead point today.

it was fun but tiring.

so firstly, all my aunts, uncles and cousins came to my house. then we left to go to birkenhead point. so we found a parking spot more easily than i thought, and went into the shopping centre. my aunts & uncles weren't there yet.

(my cousins choose to go in our car, since it's an 8-seater. my aunts & uncles go in 1 car, so altogether it only takes 2 cars to go to the shops, beach & stuff)

so we waited for them inside. they got there eventually, and then we decided to go into city beach. we went into city beach and we looked through some clothes. it was fun, but i'm too fat to fit anything. xD

anyway, so we went out and we walked around. we were hungry cos us kids hadn't eaten anything all day, so we went to the food court. we all ate some subway :), and then we went off again. me & sister n went to EB games and we looked around. we bought guitar hero 5 :). it would usually cost $178, but we bought it for $98. yay.

so yeah, we bought that and two other games and then we split up into "family groups". so my family & i went around, and then we went to converse. me & my sisters needed some chucks. :D

so we were in that shop long enough that my cousins, aunts and uncles came into the shop too. by that time i had already decided on 2 pairs of chucks, and so had sister s. my other sister was looking for red chucks. she found them, and then she later decided to buy a pair of light blue chucks.

oh yeah, there was a sale...

buy two items and get 50% the second item*.
*2nd item must be of equal or lesser value

it went something like that, but that was what it ultimately was. my chucks cost $75 altogether with the sale. :D they're really pretty. :)

so yeah, we were all in there and then the people were like this shop is closing in 2 minutes. :O


and then we left and we went home & then we packed up our ps2 and brought it to cousin a's house to play guitar hero. :)

insert next post here. xD (this is what happened after guitar hero, but before the sleepover)

then me, sister s & cousin j slept over at cousin a's house. yeah.

new year's

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