Monday, December 7, 2009

just another school day

so today was basically, just another ordinary school day. it was just about the most boring school day ever. actually, not really, but it was boring anyway. so today, my inspiration project was due. i don't even get why we have to do this boring work. inspiration will provide with no information to help me with life whatsoever. i mean, i get the point of spelling homework; it's so learn how to spell, and spelling is quite an important aspect of our lives. but inspiration on the other hand, is really just a basic program that is "really fun to use, and really simple". fun and simple my fuckin arse. it's so boring and it's really annoying to use. it's just total bs.

so, enough ranting about a pointless computers project at school, on with my school the above paragraph was about my first 2 periods of the day. so next was PD. that was boring too, as one of our little activities that was supposed to be done last week was due today. that 'little activity' was to design a postcard about road safety? i mean, who writes postcards to someone saying, "Hey, you know, since i'm in america, remember to cross at zebra crossings and traffic lights, and always stop, look and listen before crossing any road..." yeah, you get my point? so that was stupid.

periods 4 and 5: history...doing a little presentation about medieval europe. sounds really interesting right? well here's a newsflash buddy, it's not. it was just each person in my group reading out 2 paragraphs...that is so lame. and yeah, we had to listen to other people's speeches too. that wasn't boring, but it wasn't exactly the funnest thing in the world either.

after lunch...we had 2 periods of science. one where me and my group would teach our class about the respiratory system, and the next with a different group teaching. my group sorta failed with the teaching. oh well.

last lesson of the day: english. we had our wednesday maths teacher, and i think the hot weather got to her. she drew donald duck in my friend's book (we're trying to make picture books, and we were drawing, so...) and drew a person and was laughing and it was funny, but it was just a bit creepy...

so, then we got to the buses and the bus driver of the bus i got on was being a bastard. we had to use our bus passes or else we couldn't go on. that took a while...then off we went to central. at central, it was okay...then the train came, my normal train, the all-stops train. might i add that it was a hot day and i had a tin can??? it was so hot.

so basically, i got home an hour ago and i have just typed up this blog about my day. hope it makes your day (most likely not),



  1. Bleep. D:

    It's hot over here as well.. :(

    NOO! YOU GOT.. MS. 'KIND'! D:
    And she drew Donald Duck? Creepy.

    ~Mr. Blue Cactus..

  2. yes, it was quite an interesting day.

    and yes joanne, we had ms maz (that's how is SOUNDS.) for english. she drew donald duck in angela's book. xD
