Wednesday, December 23, 2009

all-star mode

all-star mode!

it's on ssbb, also known as super smash bros. brawl. you know, i actually like using zelda now. she's really cool. i'd rather her than sheik though.

anyway so all-star mode is fun. and you get trophies from it. i don't get why people like collecting the trophies. it doesn't affect you life. well it's fun to play, but yeah.

i can't wait 'till my uncle moves out and i can take over his room. but there's one thing i need to fo before i move in there. buy a whole lot of air freshener. it smells so absolutely gross in there. no, seriously it is really disgusting. at least i'll have more space than in my old room. which i share with sister s.

my cousin j and i are chatting on msn. well, were. she was talking to me about some play-doh she had made. i think it's a waste of money. i don't need play-doh. oh well, play-doh's fun to play with, but still. oh whatever.

i just realised, tomorrow is christmas eve. wow, that was really quick.

the day after that is christmas.

and the day after that is boxing day, when all the good movies come out. i really want to watch the lovely bones. my friend, friend k, recommended the book, but i'm never bothered to go to the library to borrow it.

oh well, byyee.

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