Wednesday, December 9, 2009

after-school rush?

after school today...i went on the train...and i got driven home...and at home, it was like, rush-rush-rush. i got home, and a little something happened. here was the little conversation:

mum: we're going to the shops
me: WHAT!?
mum: hurry up and eat, we have to leave soon
me: darnit.

i quickly ate 2 pieces of bread with a frankfurt in each, and tomato sauce. it was nice. and i had some viet banana thing. it was nice too. :) so we left, dropped my sis off at tutor and we went to the optometrist. i can get those night lenses thingies next year. yay :)

this post is short and boring, so i'll put up a little version of my day into words in another post. but extremely summarised.


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