Monday, December 21, 2009



no seriously...


come on!

fucking lumos!

okay, so i don't exactly have magical powers. you know, i was kinda hoping i'd be a muggle-born witch, but whatever. fine. i'm cool with it. hmph.


alright! i'm lying! so what? jeez. i am the most upset anyone could be for not making it into hogwarts. feed me some veritaserum! yeah, that would be so awesome.

i really love hogwarts. i would so go into the room of requirement like...

i want to try some butterbeer too. sounds nice enough. but firewhiskey sounds quite interesting.

hmm, i feel like having a fruit smoothie from pearl central. but too bad i'm too far away to get one. whatever.

i wish i went to hogwarts. i can always dream though.

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