Wednesday, December 23, 2009

kill the writing.

okay, so maybe there isn't going to be any writing for a little while. all in good time, i suppose. i'm too busy trying to earn points to get a nintendo wii, or an iPod touch. hehe, it's all secret. well not really, but i'm still not telling you what it is. if i get enough points, i can get those things, or i can get something else. OMG i should just get a camera. i really want a camera. a nikon or canon one. yeah. or a wii to sell and make money from. yeah. :)

i'm just waiting for the site to load, cos my freaking internet is capped! i mean, c'mon! i wish we had more internet. i don't get how we survived on 12gbs a month before. we still don't really survive with 25gbs even. oh i can't wait until we get tpg internet. stupid. i want it now!

yeah. oh man oh man oh man. i still have to write up 2 more posts after this. i think i might put up a preview of my song of the lioness fanfiction. no flames. constructive criticism is cool with me, since i've just started and this is only a hobby. and i might put up a little of my rose&scorpius fic. we'll just have to wait and see.

i really want a camera.

i really want a new phone. my one's side buttons are dying. but i still love it.

i really want a harry potter themed party.

i really want a hogwarts uniform with the slytherin crest on it.

i really want one with a gryffindor crest on it.

i really want a large flannel shirt.

i really want an iPod dock.

i really want new dvds.

i really want many things, but i won't get them.

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