Sunday, December 27, 2009

Re: city visit.

so, with the city visit, did i say i bought the simpsons hit & run? well if i did, whatever. if i didn't, i'll say it now.

i bought the simpsons hit & run on xbox when we were in the city. it's why i ran outta money. :P so anyway, yeah, we have an xbox well sister n does. we still play it so yeah. we buy those pre-owned games for cheap to play. :)

i used to play simpsons hit & run so much. i loved that game. but then our disc got full-on scratched. so we couldn't play it anymore. it was unfair. so finally we found simpsons hit & run at eb games in the city and it actually had a cover that wasn't too wrecked. most games in the pre-owned section have wrecked covers so yeah.

me and sister n are just about to play it.

we've given up on brawl cos we had to finish this thing, but we couldn't do it. we kept dying, so we got bored and stuff...


simpsons hit & run awaits.


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