Friday, December 25, 2009


ABBA songs are awesome, don't you think?

my favourite two are honey, honey & money, money, money.

they practically rhyme, except one has an extra word.

honey honey money money money.

lol. they're awesome songs. to me anyway, but other ABBA songs are really good, like fernando, waterloo, dancing queen, thank you for the music, chiquitita, the winner takes it all, super trouper...i could go on & on. but i won't.

yeah, i like ABBA. they're awesome, even if they are "old". hmm, it's getting late. i'll stop here, but i'll update tomorrow to add a bit more.

okay, so i'm back to add more. aren't you all happy?

nah, i bet no one even noticed that this post looks longer. xDD


you know, i made some ABBA references last night while playing mario kart. i'm so talented. :D

yeah. i need to charge my laptop before it runs out of batts.

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