Saturday, December 5, 2009

a random comment that got too long.

well this was the end part of a comment that i wrote on my friend's bebo profile...:

" much love - not the love counted in little [online] hearts that people base their popularity on or some such, but really, it's the love that some people believe is there, some do not and the love that some people believe in and trust, but others do not -

from Rachel "

so, it was just written randomly, pulled out of thin air. why is it called thin air? i don't know. if air was too thin, we'd die. anywhoo, so the "much love" was directed at my friend, whom i have not seen in over a year, and my other friend, whom i have not seen in the past year either. actually it's been around a year and a half...more than that. i wish to see them soon, but to any of my other friends out there, you deserve it too, and i love you all so very much.

hopefully, i will see the two of my friends who i have not seen in ages, absolute and utter ages and all the rest of you, i will see you soon if you attend the same school as me, which is most likely
all of you.

now, much love, 'much' describing the absolutely huge amount of love for you, my friends,

-- aka Rachiee, xxrawrrachel, Rachiewachie, so on and so forth.

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