Saturday, December 26, 2009

home-run contest

so i'm still at my cousin's house.

i think we're going to leave soon.

yeah. it's sorta boring here now.

all i've been doing is playing brawl and mario kart and listening to my iPod.

oh yeah, you know, on brawl there's this little thing...what do i call activity-ish thing that you do...

well whatever. you're meant to hit a sandbag/punchbag-ish thing with one of the characters and then hit it with a baseball bat to see how far it can go. oh and you only have 10 seconds to bash it up so that it's easier to hit. me & sister n got a new high score :) our high score is around 850m or something. the high score yesterday was about 526m.

we were bored so we just kept trying to get high scores. we got around 575m and we were like wooh! and then we got 650m or something and we were like wooh! and then we got [approx.] 780m and we were like woooooh!!! and then we got our current high score and we were like holy crap yeah!

anyway that was weird...goodnight.

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