Friday, December 11, 2009


right, now i almost forgot to write up a post, but it was only because i was totally absorbed in my writing. i rarely write, so it was just one of those random times when i feel the urge to just write. so i took this opportunity to write something. the something turned out to be a story about...well, annie knows. it's about rose and scorpius. not much happening, but yeah. it's just the beginning and rose hasn't even seen scorpius yet. *gasp* whatever. it sucks, but i just had to write something.

i haven't been on the computer much today. i was just reading or drawing or writing today. but then i realised i have to write up a post, if not just for the sake of putting my thoughts out there.

even if i suck at writing "fanfiction" as it would be called, i love reading it. absolutely love it. and i got annie hooked. isn't that great? :) someone will be like me! (addicted to stories that will never happen but wished they would be true) well actually, there are many harry potter fans out there. so many. i love harry potter. i mean, i love rose and scorpius, who are characters in the epilogue of harry potter. i didn't mean that i love harry potter, as the character, cos that would just be gross. harry potter is weird but daniel radcliffe is so retarted. i dun like him. he's just so URRRG-LY.

anyway i'll need to do another post to talk about why my butt hurts. not that you care. :)

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