Tuesday, December 8, 2009

before i go.

so, i've just decided to write up another post before i go to bed. i have to go to bed or i won't be able to get up in the morning...but that always happens anyway.

i'm just extremely bored...but i just remembered me and glo in our science lesson...


they are so fun to write up and even cooler if you make them into love decagons or do-decagons. we tried one of both. it was quite fun and we were laughing so much. ;)

and in english, i just randomly drew a face with a moustache. and then one of my friends - you know who you are,
shin xP - anyway, she drew two pigtails on the sides and we doodled a little extra on the she-man, as dubbed by afore-mentioned friend. it was funny and i said i would post a little something about it. :) i'm nice.

night all :)

p.s a little pic here. it's sorta pixelated...oh well.