Sunday, December 6, 2009

free time

i really didn't write that much today...okay, maybe i did but it wasn't as much as yesterday, and since i have so much free time on my hands, i'll write up something.

ya know, i just remembered that time of this year when a certain show was on and i got totally obsessed with a guy. his name? sam. the show?
MASTERCHEF. oh my, just about everyone in my class and some other people knew how obsessed i was with the guy. even though he was married...and he was 12 years older than me - basically double my age at the time - i didn't care. and you know what embarassing? well not embarassing, hilarious, my mum even knows about this previous obsession. that's how obsessed i was, to the point where even my own mum knew. i'm not saying i keep secrets from my mum or anything, but that my obsessions with the opposite sex aren't revealed to my parents. are your obsessions with other people known to your parents? i should hope not. that would make for very awkward situations. funny if you thought about it afterwards, but quite awkward when you're there at the time.

so, my posts are shorter than yesterday's i think. i think i shall stop here for today...

see y'all tomorrow. well sghs peoples.

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