Monday, December 14, 2009

shoot, shag, marry :)

so, today's topic is:
excellent, huh?

well, today, me & friend a3 & friend g were playing shoot, shag, marry. it was really funny. :) one of the ones was...

the friggin jonas brothers. (friend picked it not me) i was ewwing my arse off thinking about it. so...i decided:
shoot: JOE. (YES!)
shag: NICK. (*shudder*)
marry: KEVIN. (eww.)

anyway, so, gross stuff over. i said, "gary oldman, ralph fiennes & alan rickman." :)

i said:
shoot: alan rickman
shag: ralph fiennes
marry: gary oldman. ← he's hot. :)

i love gary oldman.

friend a3 and g said:
shoot: gary oldman
shag: alan rickman
marry: ralph fiennes

like, eww? i just found out...ralph fiennes is a
play-uuh. aka player. oh dearie me. :) :( and alan rickman is 63. 63!!! holy crap, snape is old. :)

anyway, my sister (sister s) pointed out an interesting fact. if shoot, shag, marry was real, and you had only one bullet to shoot someone, who would you shoot - jonas brothers. she said, "i would shoot myself." yes, quite a good idea. she actually said something smart for once. xP

she's being stupid right now, so that comment before has died. the stupidness cancels it all out. :)

toodles. picture of gary oldman now. :)

yay for gary oldman! also he's 51. so basically, that oldest guy i've liked. gary "oldman". x)

oh yeah, and...
h a p p y b i r t h d a y k i m ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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