Tuesday, December 22, 2009

in one ear, out the other

i'm really not processing what people are saying today. my sister just asked me, "so you stopped drawing?" and i didn't understand. she had to ask 2 more before i heard properly and understood to answer her. lol.

but you know, i think my ears are getting more sensitive or something. you would think, after all my ears go through when i listen to music constantly, they would be worse. but i think they're actually getting better.

i did have a topic to write about when i was writing the last post, but it just flew out of my head. stupid head, unable to remember things i want to remember. well i remember really important things, but i don't seem to remember the sort of unimportant things. yeah.

you know i just realised that i only type with 5 fingers. well, i use 5 fingers regularly, 2 sometimes and the rest aren't used when i type. i shouldn't be surprised if some fingers look skinnier than others. xD



see you.

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