Saturday, December 26, 2009


yes, ho-shit describes it perfectly. describes what? you ask. well, it describes me. me getting hit by a blue/spiny shell for the fourth time in one mario kart race. it was my favourite/one of my favourite courses, and i was coming first, when...


i get hit by this blue shell that comes outta no where. well, stuff it. i'm still coming first, until...


another one? freaking hell. this is stupid. >:( oh darn, now i'm third...then, cutting through the course like only i can, i'm back in first place, and lemme tell you, it's awesome.


spoke too soon. damn those people who like sending out blue/spiny shells. well, time to cut like i usually do, cos i'm third again. no wait, i'm first. hooray for me.


ho-shit. of all the places to be hit. why couldn't i be hit when i was past the finish line? i was sooooo close. oh the pain...

i came third. i was so sad, i started hitting my sister. LOL. she isn't hurt or anything. there are no physical marks to speak of. :)

oh and by the way, all these blue shells came in the last lap. all of them.

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