Sunday, December 20, 2009

the high bidder.

throughout the whole auction for that bag i wanted, no one bid for it. so i was the high bidder until the end. so, basically, i won. :) i got the bag. it's pretty. :) yeah, i put up a picture for you people to look at.

oh and did you know, on fanfiction, i've read through exactly 13 pages (out of 16), with 25 different stories on each page. :) so much reading. i have bookmarked pretty much all of those stories, so if i lost mozilla, all the stories i've bookmarked will disa-freaking-ppear. hopefully they won't. yeah, the won't. heh, why would they? :D

pretty bag. so, what y'all doin? i'm doing nothing. my eBay obsession has worn itself out. actually, no. it hasn't but i don't feel like eBay surfing right now. i need something to do. i'm not bothered to read, i'm listening to my iPod, but i need something else to do. iPod by itself does not quench my boredom.


i like juice.

do you?

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