Sunday, December 20, 2009

3: it's a magic number.

yeah...♪3, it's a magic number♪

you: and the above is relevant, how?
me: well, this is the third post of the day.
you: omg. you have no life.
me: yes, yes i know.

so anyway, you know, i've realised that i am sick of listening to you belong with me. well, not sick, but i don't feel like listening to it. it's getting boring. :)

lol, you know i just dropped my iPod, and it shuffled itself. LOL. well, i didn't drop it, it merely slid of my lap and onto the chair. and it shuffled. sometimes, i can't get it to shuffle. :| i'm not weak or anything, ok? well, maybe i am. i just don't put a lot of effort into shuffling iPod songs.

random? i know. of course i know. i wrote this damned thing. you know, my blog is more of a diary than my actual diary. well, diaries. yes, i have multiple diaries. actually, only 2. xD i used to write one entry a day, cos i had nothing better to do. then i got slack. i haven't written a diary entry since more than a year ago. :L oh well. i have the internet to write about my life. i have my lovely blog. :)

i'll write a new posts in a few hours, unless i think of something.

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