Sunday, December 6, 2009

i'm bored

isn't my title original?

so, my first post today. and I am so totally absolutely and utterly
bored. So, I have just gone on to quench my boredom by writing up this little post. you know, I am actually worried about my little sister failing her selective exam. no, don't laugh, I really am. I was sort of shocked with her trial test results for this week. I will be nice and not put up her results, but I was actually shocked, not a lot, but still.

anyway, so I am happy, because I have just finished my bag it project, and I have no more lessons with Ms. Russel. I don't like her. She's annoying. and I'm not even sure if that's how to spell her name. But tomorrow, I still have two more lessons with Ms. Joannou. She is sooo mean. Last week my computer project thing was due, but I didn't hand it in. I will do that tomorrow. But I still have one more lesson after that. I'm not at all sure exactly what I will be doing in that lesson.

I think I would probably be playing Kurve or Tetris, which I absolutely LOVE. I mean, tetris is just so terribly addictive. I love it. Kurve is fun too, but only if you have more than 3 people playing with you. It would be so boring if you played by yourself, with CPU's coming straight at you, or if you played by yourself, and only yourself, with no CPU's because you would be going around, until you kill yourself by crashing into your previously used path.

So anyway, did I mention...Gloriana and Joanne and Annie were in the computer rooms every lunch I think 2 weeks ago playing Kurve for the whole lunchtime. I joined them 2 or 3 times, but I can't see how they could waste 40 minutes, 5 days a week, on Kurve of all things. You could be out there living, but no. They just sit, or stand, all crowded around a school computer, each pressing two buttons, or in one person's case, clicking the left and right mouse buttons, trying to dodge different coloured lines, to try and win. The longer you last, the more points you get, and the first person to reach 50 points wins. Simple, right? Wrong. It's hard to dodge those lines you know!

So, this first post of today is done, and I think I won't waste any more of my time (which could be used to be out and living) sitting here writing up details about my life, or my friend's, or my enemy's or anyone else I may think to write of, and I will go...and play tetris most likely.

Love, Rach. :]

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