Thursday, December 24, 2009


well, it's 3 minutes until christmas, according to my laptop. wait, 2 minutes now. but it's 5 minutes 'till christmas on the clock. and i bet the rest of the clocks are different. LOL.

i think after the end of this year, i'll do occasional posts. i mean, i can't keep up this pace. it's robbing me of cool things to say.

omfg, it's christmas, according to my laptop.

i still need to take a shower.





i get money, no actual presents. lol. oh well, good enough for me. :P

this is getting boring. so much for a fun-filled, action-packed christmas. well, i still have approximately 23 hours & 57 minutes left of christmas. maybe something exciting will happen during that time.

toodles, and enjoy your christmas!

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