Saturday, December 19, 2009


night lenses, or whatever you want to call them, are sort of annoying. i swear, when i first had them on at the optometrist, they felt like they were going to fall out. it was really quite uncomfortable. so, last night, i put them in. it took a while...

i was waiting to check sister s's tutor homework, and it was 1:20 in the freaking morning. ugh. i totally need to teach her to do her homework on time, and not to leave it to the last minute. well, i leave my stuff to the last minute, but she leaves it to the very very very last minute. i leave it, but i do it the night before and still get to sleep on time. sister s, on the other hand, leaves it to the very very very last minute and gets to sleep at 1 in the morning. stupid girl.

anyway, so it was 1:20am and i decided to go to sleep. i went into the bathroom and i read the instructions on what to do. (i wrote those myself, with my sister's help xP) and i washed my hands, yadda yadda. so, i washed the lenses and proceeded to put them in. except it took me about 5+ tries to get it in the right eye, and the right eye is easier for me to do. for the left eye, it took around 10 goes.


it was hard, ok? i thought it was going to fall out afterwards.

oh yeah, when i put the contact in the left eye, i didn't put it in properly, so it sorta hurt. oh well, it got done in the end, so whatever.

yeah, so i'm half-blind. well, everything's just blurry. but it's better than when i don't have my glasses on. :)

see y'all later.

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