Sunday, December 20, 2009

6. the devil's number

you know, i like the number 6. it's also the devil's number. ooh, that totally reminds of the song, 'stairway to heaven'. it's really weird, but i bet most of you have heard of it. yeah anyway, so it reminds of the devil's number because...well when you play a certain part backwards, it comes out as a whole new piece, that makes sense and it has to do with satan, etc. well, ish.

here's the link for he website to listen to it:

oh yeah, and the song is by leg zeppelin. :) it's cool, but it's scary. :L

you know, i suck so bad at rainbow road in mario kart wii. no, seriously. i suck. not even half a minute into the race and i've already fallen off. seriously, and it's not funny at all. well, maybe to you, but it just makes me sad and angry. and when i'm sad and angry, i fall off more. really, i do. well, actually, that's just a reason i made up as to why i fall off so much. i only fall off so much cos i'm a clumsy weirdo. :P


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