Wednesday, December 9, 2009

summarise the day

okay...summary comin' right up.

1st: SCRIPTURE ; well, non-scripture actually. so i did recycling with alice. and we got back and we listened to my iPod. and then the bell rang 10 minutes early. that was weird.

half 2nd: VISUAL ARTS ; we had a sub. i was hoping we would have old snelly for once (only so she could sign my clearance form), but yeah, she was away. D: so big dilemma, but mrs. wise signed 'em so i handed in my clearance form at recess. oh yeah, we only had VA for about 30 minutes, then we had year 10 farewell assembly.

half 2nd & 3rd: YEAR 10 FAREWELL ASSEMBLY ; it was boring. that's all i have to say.

RECESS ; it was extended by about 10 minutes. :)

4th: MATHS ; mr. wang, again. another worksheet, another waste of 40 minutes of my life.

5th: CHINESE ; boring. we watched that movie called... 'NEZHA CONQUERS THE DRAGON KING'. basically some random chinese film.

LUNCH ; tetris. nothing else.

6th: HISTORY ; we had another sub. and during this period, we had a lockdown for about 10 minutes. funny :)

7th: ENGLISH ; yet, another sub. sounds like i'm eating subway. well anyway, i did some colouring for the pictures in my picture book.

8th: PD ; "working" in C3. working meaning typing up what the teacher said and then doing nothing for the rest of the period.

yeah, then the train with alice, veronica, sophia and anna. :) good train ride.

so, my arms hurt now cos i'm leaning on them. :( goodbye.

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