Friday, December 11, 2009

friday: some stuff is cool. some isn't.

ugh, i have to rewrite this post, cos it didn't even come up. my first trage-teddy strikes. here we go again.

today is the friday the 11th of december, 2009.

i can't believe we're up to this point (↑) of the year already. time has passed to quickly, and i'll be in year 8 next year. omg. i'm getting old. xP

● first and second period : english. boring. i just read and listened to my iPod.

● third period : year meeting. again, boring. just sat there talking.

● fourth period : "sport". okay, so we miss half our double sport lesson, cos the assembly made lunch start early. and we didn't have a teacher for half an hour, which is 3/4 of our lesson. we were just jumping around and going crazy. :) it was really fun. we even had a password for the door and everything. xP

● lunch was in fifth period today.

● sixth, seventh and half of eighth periods : presentation assembly. so boring and my butt hurt cos we had to sit on the normal seats, which are really hard (duh) and we sat there for two whole hours!

● second half of eighth period : handing out of reports and chronicle. so, in my report, i got one B, which was in history, and i am very disappointed in myself. i just totally suck, and i feel so bad for being stupid. :( most people got straight A's, and some people got one percent off perfect A's. that makes me sad cos i got 5% off another A.
i feel bad. i'm ready to cry. actually not really, but i am disappointed in myself. :(

oh well. stuff this. i'm tired and grouchy, i think. i should go to bed.

p.s i figured out the problem. well not really, but i found the previous post of this, cos it was saved in drafts. :) i'll just add some of it to this to combine them.

p.p.s i can write better posts than yang can. so if he had a blog, it would be total epic fail.

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