Sunday, December 20, 2009 lucky number.

all my recent post titles include a number (from my little goal thing) and the word number at the end. so i'll just keep the pattern going.

oh you know in that post called "2, my favourite number"? well i talked about the annoying american spelling. yeah, so they do 'or' & we do 'our' at the end of certain words, right? well, my shirt says "glamor" in caps. note the missing 'u'. the shirt has american spelling.

:O i know!

ugh, stupid shirt. i have no other shirts to wear. whatever.

i can't believe i'm going to be in year 8 next year. :S how weird. sometimes, i still forget my way around. expecially which computer room is which. ><>

i was just rubbing my eye, and i moved my hand to avoid touching my non-existant glasses. i forgot i'm not wearing glasses anymore. :|

so, post name. 4 is actually my lucky number, even if it sounds like death in chinese. very unlucky apparently, but oh well. i like the number 4. it's cool. i did have more to say, but it flew out of my head. =="

nothing eventful is happening, so i'll see y'all later.

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