Friday, January 1, 2010

the beginning of the 2010s.


i can't fucking believe it is already 2010.

a new year.

a new decade.


oh yeah and...

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R E V E R Y B O D Y ! ! !


2009 went by so quickly, it's sorta sad. year 7's over, and i'm going to be in year 8 next this year. see? i'm still living in 2009. :O i'm so young compared to my sister. sister n is going to be 17 this year...she's going to be in year 12. she's going to finish high school this year. wow. then she's going to go away to england...



you know, i'm not going to post as regularly as i used to. a new year calls for changes. :P

so i'm going to post at least once a week. my posts will be longer, since i'll be trying to fit a few days' worth of news into one post, rather than ¼ of a day in every post.

i post too much, but the rate is slowing down for the new year. 2010.

okay, i'll write about another bit of my holidays later. toodles!

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