Monday, January 18, 2010

chloé perfume.




H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y  M U M ! ! !

yeah, i love my mum to bits. she's awesome. :)

me & my dad decided to go shopping today as soon as he got home from work for my mum's present. we left, and while we were at the shops my mum came home. she was asking where we were, and my sister said she didn't know (even though she did). LOL.

meanwhile, at the shops, me & my dad were at myers, looking for "chloé" perfume, cos my mum's favourite perfume brand is chloé. yeah. we sprayed the test perfume on our hands. then we bought some and went home...

my mum asked where i was when i wished her a happy birthday. i'm bad at lying to my mum...this is what i said:

mum: "where were you and dad?"
me: "uhh...umm...we were...buying..peaches."
mum (looking sceptical): you were buying peaches?"
me: "uhh, yeah!"
me (to my little sister): "anyway, so shan, whatcha doing?"

so after that, i walked off. hehe. then my mum saw my dad, and asked where we were. he said we were at jb hi fi. she asked what were we doing there. my dad said looking at sound systems. (we actually did do that, but only cos we were there already). my mum was like what?? it's my birthday and you didn't go to the shops to buy something for me??


then later, while i was gone, she asked my dad why he smelt like perfume. xDD much???

and yeah, so i snuck the perfume upstairs and i wrapped it (badly) and made a card. :) i'm always the one making a card. every year, it's me. for anyone important, i make the card and my sisters sign it. D:< anyways, i still haven't given the card & present to my mum yet. i will. :) when my dad signs the card. :P

anyways, toodles.

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