Thursday, December 31, 2009

late-night swimming...

just then, me, my 2 sisters & my 2 cousins went swimming.

yes, we were late-night swimming.

at 10:45pm - 11:15pm on christmas eve.

it was fun.

especially when i used to hose on my older sister. >:D hehe.

you know, it was really funny after we swam.

my aunt - cousin a's mum - offered to hose us down instead of all of us taking showers.

we agreed...

and then she went inside, and then came outside a few minutes later holding soap.

so we walked into a suitable spot, and then she turned on the hose and wet our heads, saying that we had to put shampoo on our heads. so we did, and our heads got washed down. then we used the body soap, then we get re-hosed-down. and then we dried ourselves with our towels and went inside to change.

it was very funny.

and surprisingly, it wasn't that cold. :D

birkenhead point :)

me, my family & stuff (me + 2 sisters + mum + dad + 2 cousins + 2 uncles + 2 aunts) went to birkenhead point today.

it was fun but tiring.

so firstly, all my aunts, uncles and cousins came to my house. then we left to go to birkenhead point. so we found a parking spot more easily than i thought, and went into the shopping centre. my aunts & uncles weren't there yet.

(my cousins choose to go in our car, since it's an 8-seater. my aunts & uncles go in 1 car, so altogether it only takes 2 cars to go to the shops, beach & stuff)

so we waited for them inside. they got there eventually, and then we decided to go into city beach. we went into city beach and we looked through some clothes. it was fun, but i'm too fat to fit anything. xD

anyway, so we went out and we walked around. we were hungry cos us kids hadn't eaten anything all day, so we went to the food court. we all ate some subway :), and then we went off again. me & sister n went to EB games and we looked around. we bought guitar hero 5 :). it would usually cost $178, but we bought it for $98. yay.

so yeah, we bought that and two other games and then we split up into "family groups". so my family & i went around, and then we went to converse. me & my sisters needed some chucks. :D

so we were in that shop long enough that my cousins, aunts and uncles came into the shop too. by that time i had already decided on 2 pairs of chucks, and so had sister s. my other sister was looking for red chucks. she found them, and then she later decided to buy a pair of light blue chucks.

oh yeah, there was a sale...

buy two items and get 50% the second item*.
*2nd item must be of equal or lesser value

it went something like that, but that was what it ultimately was. my chucks cost $75 altogether with the sale. :D they're really pretty. :)

so yeah, we were all in there and then the people were like this shop is closing in 2 minutes. :O


and then we left and we went home & then we packed up our ps2 and brought it to cousin a's house to play guitar hero. :)

insert next post here. xD (this is what happened after guitar hero, but before the sleepover)

then me, sister s & cousin j slept over at cousin a's house. yeah.

new year's

hmm. fireworks?

you know, the 9:00 family fireworks are really boring.

i love sydney's fireworks. they're the bestest in the world. :D go aussies.

anyway those fireworks aren't as good as the midnight/new year/12:00 fireworks.

but fireworks don't really interest me anymore...

so who am i to judge the fireworks?

oh well.

sydney's fireworks are the awesomest in the whole wide world.



and happy new years eve to you all.

i cannot believe this



hooollyyy shiiit.

nope, still can't believe it.

2009 has gone so fast.

last day of the decade known as the "noughties".

how sad :(

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

oh so tired

i'm just so tired right now.

i want to sleep. :)

still at my cousin's house.

we're watching some random movie.

and eating popcorn.

you know, cousin a's re-named her dog.

well it was lucky. now she's calling him john.

john/lucky is so funny. he turned 4 recently. well, i think he turned 4.

i can't remember.


just keep swimming...

remember dory in finding nemo?

just keep swimming...etc.

i'm not bothered to type the whole thing out.

but yeah that's a funny song.

me & cousin a & cousin j & sister s just had a swim.

it was funny.

we put buckets on our heads.

we could breathe underwater. :O

hehe. funny.


i slept over at my cousin's house last night. we made cookies the night before.

it was very funny.

okay, i'll tell you why.

so, we were making the cookie mixture (nothing funny about that) and then we put bits of it on some baking paper that was on the trays. we put the trays into the oven and put the timer for 20 minutes.

then after 5 minutes, i went to check on them.

and they were flat.

it was hilarious. they all melted and flattened out into one huge tray-sized cookie. xDD

so funny.

they were very nice though.


i've just realised that tomorrow is the last day of the year.

the last day of 2009!

the last day of the noughties...

so that would mean the last day of the decade.

hooooo-ly shiiiiit.

2009 is about to finish.

it's just so sad.

oh so very sad.

i'm not bothered to put more in this post.

i'm just so...

i dunno.

but it just hit me.

it's the second last day...omg.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ncis yeah.

just watched ncis and i didn't get it.

well i did, after a while, cos i started watching a little late. :P

anyway yeah. nothing to say. goodbye.

that was extremely short.

i think i should say something...

oh yeah, i need more shoes. i mean it. i 've got basically one pair i wear with every outfit. :O

yeahh, i'm in desperate need of shoe shopping.

you know, i can't believe the year is almost over.

it's really sad.

but out with the old and in with the new! 2010 sounds okay.

hmm, i'll just go now.

urban dictionary

lol, my friend "shin" told me to look up her name (not the codename, her real name) on urban dictionary, since it had a meaning and yeah. so i looked it up and voila! a meaning.

the meaning says that my friend is aggressive but beautiful. it's so true, but i don't think my friend is that aggressive but she is beautiful & a totally awesome person.

same with all of my friends.

i love you all.

you're the greatest friends ever & we still have 5 years of school together before we all split up, so we should use those years wisely.

you're all great & totally awesome & you guys are beautiful inside & out. :D

okay, that was random, but i mean it.

i love you guys!

too little sleep...

i had an optometrist appointment today (this morning) at 9.00. i'm so tired. i'm only so tired because i stayed up so late last night, and that wasn't my fault. i was at cousin a's house, like i said, and we didn't leave until after 2.00am this morning. i had to get up at 8-8.30, and i had trouble with my contacts, so i slept sometime after 2.30am.

so, basically, i got
less than 6 hours of sleep.

how annoying is that? i'm too awake to go back to sleep.

oh and sister n's friends have come over. and they're really loud. they're so into their raving rabbids wii game. well it's my wii. xD nah, i don't care.

sister n uses my/sister s' wii all the time.

the wii is more mine rather than sister s' :)

heh. >:)

i'm going now.

second chance

so i turned off my laptop so we could leave, right? then me & my sisters told my dad that my mum wasn't my dad said "fine we're not going" and i was like wtf? i turned off my freaking laptop.

oh well. then my uncle called and asked why we weren't there. my dad said cos my mum wasn't going. and then yeah.

but then my family friends' mum was there & she said she brought her hair stuff. well, she's a hairdresser and the other night my mum was saying she didn't like her hairstyle, so family friends' mum brought her hairdresser stuff and then my mum was like okay, let's go. but my dad didn't go. so we went and yeahh :)

but then my uncle drove to my house and picked up my dad. my dad couldn't go by himself cos his car is dead.

so...yeah. no arguments, so i'm happy.


we played mario kart & super smash bros. brawl :) "funfunfun" --gold-streak/jelly/leaf OR some random darking from tamora pierce series "the immortals."


okay random.


Monday, December 28, 2009

almost time to go.

i've got less than 20 minutes to change, take an extremely short shower & finish off this post. and my music isn't helping.

you know, using picnik is really fun. i was reluctant at first, but then i edited some of my photos, like my profile picture and i liked it. i still prefer photoshop, but picnik is easier to use. photoshop has more features, so yeah. and i like the photoshop features. :P

i edited this pic in picnik so yeah.

it's cool.

and i really have to go now.

yeah, don't want to be late.

or make my dad angry. :O

change - taylor swift

i like this song. :) here's the lyrics:

And it’s a sad picture, the final blow hits you
Somebody else gets what you wanted again and
You know it’s all the same, another time and place
Repeating history and you’re getting sick of it
But I believe in whatever you do
And I’ll do anything to see it through

Because these things will change
Can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
This revolution, the time will come
For us to finally win
And we’ll sing hallelujah, we’ll sing hallelujah

So we’ve been outnumbered
Raided and now cornered
It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair
We’re getting stronger now
Find things they never found
They might be bigger
But we’re faster and never scared
You can walk away, say we don’t need this
But there’s something in your eyes
Says we can beat this

Because these things will change
Can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
This revolution, the time will come
For us to finally win
And we’ll sing hallelujah, well sing hallelujah

Tonight we stand, get off our knees
Fight for what we’ve worked for all these years
And the battle was long, it’s the fight of our lives
But we’ll stand up champions tonight

It was the night things changed
Can you see it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back fell down
It’s a revolution, throw your hands up
Cause we never gave in
And we sang hallelujah, we sang hallelujah

it's catchy. :)

that was random. oh well.

the address too?

lol, i've changed to web address of my blog too. i'm so bored.

i need something to do.

i've been editing photos on picnik & i'm now bored of that. :(

i'm about to go to my cousin's house & i'm not allowed to bring my laptop, so i'm trying to finish this post.

i also have to do some stuff before i go so yeah.

did i mention that i was home alone before? well i was. my family went to do some stuff in cab, so i was all alone. xD

ooh, ABBA song on iTunes. it's called S.O.S :P i hope you all know that song. if you don't then :| that's weird.

okay whatever, toodless.

as you may have noticed...

i've changed my little profile pic, stuff about me in the top right corner and the name of my blog. why? cos i feel like it.

i'm an indecisive person, it's not my fault.

i can never ever ever make up my mind.

well i can sometimes, but then i change my mind.

it's like...

"i want to watch this movie!"
"now that i think about it, nah."
"actually, maybe i will."
"no, wait i wanna watch this instead."

...and i sit/stand/lie there pondering which one to watch. it's like that with most of my decisions. i don't make up my mind until someone does it for me. yeah.

i'm so weird.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

matthew marsden

matthew marsden is an actor/singer who acted as Lt. Roy Sanders in the NCIS episode dead man walking aka my favourite episode ever.

i love roy/matthew.

he's so nice & he's so awesome in that ncis episode. but in the end, it's pretty much implied that he dies.


poor guy.

he was poisoned.



here's another pic of matthew marsden:

he looks so cute. :)

michael weatherly.

have i written a post about michael weatherly?


but i love him.

i don't care how old he is. i don't care he is more than 3 times my age.

he's awesome.

very good-looking.

i like his voice. i like his looks. yeah. :)

i like his character in NCIS. anthony "tony" dinozzo. :)

do you like him? do you like his voice? do you like his looks? do you like his character in NCIS? i sure do.


dead man walking.

just finished watching my favourite ncis episode ever. it's called


i love that episode.

i only figured out what it was called because i decided to watch some ncis on my most recent season (season 4. i need to buy more seasons) and i watched the disc with dinozzo's picture on it cos i love him. then i just picked an episode (dead man walking :D) and in the intro part of the ep, i was like 'i know that he the one in that episode that i love?' and he was. :D

yeah i love this episode. i think my blogs are too long, so i'll make them shorter.

or whatever.

lol i'm looking up NCIS quotes. some of them are really funny. :D

Re: city visit.

so, with the city visit, did i say i bought the simpsons hit & run? well if i did, whatever. if i didn't, i'll say it now.

i bought the simpsons hit & run on xbox when we were in the city. it's why i ran outta money. :P so anyway, yeah, we have an xbox well sister n does. we still play it so yeah. we buy those pre-owned games for cheap to play. :)

i used to play simpsons hit & run so much. i loved that game. but then our disc got full-on scratched. so we couldn't play it anymore. it was unfair. so finally we found simpsons hit & run at eb games in the city and it actually had a cover that wasn't too wrecked. most games in the pre-owned section have wrecked covers so yeah.

me and sister n are just about to play it.

we've given up on brawl cos we had to finish this thing, but we couldn't do it. we kept dying, so we got bored and stuff...


simpsons hit & run awaits.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

home-run contest

so i'm still at my cousin's house.

i think we're going to leave soon.

yeah. it's sorta boring here now.

all i've been doing is playing brawl and mario kart and listening to my iPod.

oh yeah, you know, on brawl there's this little thing...what do i call activity-ish thing that you do...

well whatever. you're meant to hit a sandbag/punchbag-ish thing with one of the characters and then hit it with a baseball bat to see how far it can go. oh and you only have 10 seconds to bash it up so that it's easier to hit. me & sister n got a new high score :) our high score is around 850m or something. the high score yesterday was about 526m.

we were bored so we just kept trying to get high scores. we got around 575m and we were like wooh! and then we got 650m or something and we were like wooh! and then we got [approx.] 780m and we were like woooooh!!! and then we got our current high score and we were like holy crap yeah!

anyway that was weird...goodnight.

boxing day.

you know what? all the good movies come out today, on boxing day.

well, new movies come out. the alvin & the chipmunks "squeakquel" looks really retarded, and like my cousin a said, they look like sluts. xD

but the lovely bones looks like a really good movie. my friend (friend k) recommended the book, and cousin a's favourite book is the lovely bones.

so yeah, i really want to watch it.

i'm going to try and convince my mum to let us go to the movies next tuesday, cos movies is cheaper on tuesdays.

and i really want to go to DFO.

i need some chucks. and i need some flats. and i just need more shoes in general. :)

yeah, and both my sisters need some chucks and yeah.

but i need flats too, so i need to go more than they need to go. xD

i'll write up a post in an hour or so.


yes, ho-shit describes it perfectly. describes what? you ask. well, it describes me. me getting hit by a blue/spiny shell for the fourth time in one mario kart race. it was my favourite/one of my favourite courses, and i was coming first, when...


i get hit by this blue shell that comes outta no where. well, stuff it. i'm still coming first, until...


another one? freaking hell. this is stupid. >:( oh darn, now i'm third...then, cutting through the course like only i can, i'm back in first place, and lemme tell you, it's awesome.


spoke too soon. damn those people who like sending out blue/spiny shells. well, time to cut like i usually do, cos i'm third again. no wait, i'm first. hooray for me.


ho-shit. of all the places to be hit. why couldn't i be hit when i was past the finish line? i was sooooo close. oh the pain...

i came third. i was so sad, i started hitting my sister. LOL. she isn't hurt or anything. there are no physical marks to speak of. :)

oh and by the way, all these blue shells came in the last lap. all of them.


super smash bros brawl is such an awesome game. i rate it...

9.5 out of 10.

that's how awesome it is. i love it i love it i love it i love it.


i totally recommend to everyone out there. i mean, anyone can play it. anyone. well, people who are bothered to go around button mashing to kill/hurt other people's characters, this game is for you. or anyone else who likes those type of games. well, yeah.

that was random.

but that game is awesome so pfft...

yeah i'm playing at my cousin's house. cousin j's house. :D

it's fun.

i don't care if some part of this post doesn't make sense.

buh byeee.

Friday, December 25, 2009


ABBA songs are awesome, don't you think?

my favourite two are honey, honey & money, money, money.

they practically rhyme, except one has an extra word.

honey honey money money money.

lol. they're awesome songs. to me anyway, but other ABBA songs are really good, like fernando, waterloo, dancing queen, thank you for the music, chiquitita, the winner takes it all, super trouper...i could go on & on. but i won't.

yeah, i like ABBA. they're awesome, even if they are "old". hmm, it's getting late. i'll stop here, but i'll update tomorrow to add a bit more.

okay, so i'm back to add more. aren't you all happy?

nah, i bet no one even noticed that this post looks longer. xDD


you know, i made some ABBA references last night while playing mario kart. i'm so talented. :D

yeah. i need to charge my laptop before it runs out of batts.

mario kart wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

mario kart wii.

it's a fun game.

really fun.

you should play it.

if you already have, you know how fun it is. yeah.

me and my sisters were playing. i failed at a few races, though overall i was coming 2nd. yay :)

of course, sister n was coming 1st. if you beat her, she growls and threatens to kick you arse. she means it literally. and in the game, she kicks you arse too. quite badly i might add. and sister s was coming 3rd. so yeah, we're pretty okay at it. :)

i play with the wheel, so being second says i'm either really good at driving, or i just hang back, get awesome items, think of evil plans, and use those evil plans to come first.

i'll let you decide which tactics i use.

p.s i'm not smart enough to think of good plans, so that would mean that i'm a good driver. i am, around 40% of the time. lol.


fudge cookies!

today, i put sophia's birthday present to use. i made some cookies with it. by the way the present was a cookie book and some stuff, not flour and eggs. yeah, i made some really nice chocolate fudge cookies.

i took a little bit to make, cos i'm so slow with cooking. i would fail in masterchef. yeah, i know, i suck. :P

anyway with the cookies, i mixed all the ingredients together to make the dough-ish thing. so i scooped a little out and put it on the flour covered table. well, i tried. it just stuck to my hands cos it was so sticky. ugh. so then i put some flour on it, and then i got the rolling pin. and i rolled it out. well, i tried to (familiar situation?). but it just stuck to the rolling pin this time. ugh. so i put it aside and used my hands. oh yeah, did i say that i was making the cookies with my sister's help? well she helped, but when i cleaned up all the ingredients after making the mixture, she just sat there eating chocolate while i cleaned up.


oh well, anyway, so i used the cookie cutters and i made some cookies. and mine looked all demented while sister s' looked practically perfect. i suck man. oh well.

and then we finished that. when the cookies were in the oven, i cleaned up everything, while sister s went off, back to the computer. darn her. so i cleaned it all up and washed the mixing bowl, etc. and when i was washing the stuff, i told my sister to watch the cookies. so she did, then i finished washing the dishes, etc and then the cookies looked done, so i asked her if she wanted to take them out. she said, "well you said they look good, why don't you take them out?"

seriously, she is insufferable sometimes. well, the cookies tasted really nice when they were fresh out of the oven. they were nice and hot. :)

okay, enough cookie-talk. i'm going. bye.

HP 3.

i was just watching harry potter 3, aka harry potter & the prisoner of azkaban. i love that movie, & i love gary oldman. :) well, yeah, i sorta love that movie, but not as much as i used to. christmas so far has been pretty boring. i mean, nothing eventful happened at all. all i got was...50 bucks and 6 ferrero rochers. i think that's how you spell it.

oh well, yeah, so that's my list of christmas presents for 2009. i know, it's soo long. aren't you just jealous of my huge pile? no, of course not. seriously. i could fit it all in my lunchbox. yeah...xD

harry potter 3 is weird. i don't like it, cos it has weird things. well, weird things like...they moved the set, changed director, changed stuff and yeah. i don't like it. :(

i just downloaded some ABBA songs, like super trouper & chiquitita to add to my ABBA list. lol.

what now?

anything to say?

no, not really, eh?

yeah, i know.

mm hmm.

i talk to myself a lot. expecially when i'm doing maths work. it helps when i talk out loud. xD

i'm so weird. oh well. gotta fly, bye.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


well, it's 3 minutes until christmas, according to my laptop. wait, 2 minutes now. but it's 5 minutes 'till christmas on the clock. and i bet the rest of the clocks are different. LOL.

i think after the end of this year, i'll do occasional posts. i mean, i can't keep up this pace. it's robbing me of cool things to say.

omfg, it's christmas, according to my laptop.

i still need to take a shower.





i get money, no actual presents. lol. oh well, good enough for me. :P

this is getting boring. so much for a fun-filled, action-packed christmas. well, i still have approximately 23 hours & 57 minutes left of christmas. maybe something exciting will happen during that time.

toodles, and enjoy your christmas!

jingle bell rock

man, i haven't heard that song in ages. that's a good thing. well, that song is okay, but i've never really like christmas songs. except the twelve days of christmas.

now i remember, on talkin' bout your generation, they did something about the twelve days of christmas, oh and gen Y won that one. yay :)

on the twelfth day of christmas my true love sent to me:

12 drummers drumming
11 pipers piping
10 lords a-leaping
9 ladies dancing
8 maids a-milking
7 swans a-swimming
6 geese a-laying
5 gooooo-oooooooooold rings (falsetto voice)
4 calling birds
3 french hens
2 turtle doves
& a partridge in a pear tree

lol i like singing that song. it's fun. it's quite repetitive.

i think i'll save my writing for the pre-christmas post.

omfg x]

previously, i forgot to mention that it is christmas eve. it's less than an hour 'till christmas.

yeah, i'm not really all that excited about this. all i get is money. i mean, i should be greatful and all, but it's too hot here. ugh, and my parents are fighting. i don't get what about. just be happy. all the rest of us are. xD

i just finished doing some time trials on mario kart wii. well only 2. lol, i'm really bored. we were supposed to make cookies today, but now it's too late. i wanted to make chocolate fudge cookies. :( they sounded so nice, but there was no time. darnit.

i'll just make them tomorrow at my cousin's house. or wherever we're going. i hope we can make some there. i really want to try them.

plus, i'm using sophia's birthday present. the recipe for the cookies is in that book in her birthday present. i'm actually using it now.

that present has been sitting in my room since my birthday, which was more than a month ago. wow, now i have to wait 11 months for my next birthday. D:

i'm sort of getting old. well, some older person might see this and think what the hell is the girl talking about? she's got her whole life ahead of her...yadda yadda. but oh well. i do sort of get it, but to me, i'm getting old. :)

bye for now.


i haven't written up a post all day, so i need to write up 4, as usual, before bed. well, i reckon i gotta few hours left to do this.

i just watched a show on go! and it, the top 20 pranks. and most were just about "cringe-worthy" as my sister put it. it was really funny and matthew perry was in one of thee. :) and so was that frodo guy. xD i dunno his name, but pssht. he was so cute, he was practically about to cry and he was so cute. yay.

i'm listening to britney spears right now. LOL, much? anyway, yeah.

i've finished my obsession with handbags. i used to be such a tomboy. now i'm not that girly, but i'm ishy. oh well, but now i'm obsessed with harry potter/harry potter t-shirts. i want some. :( ;( :(

damn damn damn damn. oh well, i'll get them sooner or later. probably the latter though.




awkward turtle...

yeah. xDD

this post is short.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


you know what? just then, i was struck with this totally awesome idea. when i can sew properly, i will make myself a hogwarts robe thing with the slytherin crest on it. oh man, i can't wait!

oh yeah, and i need a very big white t-shirt ('cos big shirts are my obsession right now) and i will get a big slytherin crest thing iron-on and i'll [obviously] iron it on the shirt and it will just be totally awesome. i wish i had a machine that could make iron-ons. :)

i also want a shirt that says "i solemnly swear i am up to no good." and another that says, "voldemort can avada kadavra edward cullen's arse any day."

there may be others, but that's all i can think of right now. oh wait, i also want a shirt that says "i can see wrackspurts :)" and a picture of luna's glasses underneath. awesome-ness.

what about a shirt that has a wand and the word lumos! on it at the front and the word nox! with a wand at the back too. the front is white and the back is black. wouldn't that be awesome?

i also want a bunch of other shirts, but when i think of them, i'll let y'all know. :) not that you care or anything.

i really want those shirts! i wish i had them. :P

oh well, nighty night.

all-star mode

all-star mode!

it's on ssbb, also known as super smash bros. brawl. you know, i actually like using zelda now. she's really cool. i'd rather her than sheik though.

anyway so all-star mode is fun. and you get trophies from it. i don't get why people like collecting the trophies. it doesn't affect you life. well it's fun to play, but yeah.

i can't wait 'till my uncle moves out and i can take over his room. but there's one thing i need to fo before i move in there. buy a whole lot of air freshener. it smells so absolutely gross in there. no, seriously it is really disgusting. at least i'll have more space than in my old room. which i share with sister s.

my cousin j and i are chatting on msn. well, were. she was talking to me about some play-doh she had made. i think it's a waste of money. i don't need play-doh. oh well, play-doh's fun to play with, but still. oh whatever.

i just realised, tomorrow is christmas eve. wow, that was really quick.

the day after that is christmas.

and the day after that is boxing day, when all the good movies come out. i really want to watch the lovely bones. my friend, friend k, recommended the book, but i'm never bothered to go to the library to borrow it.

oh well, byyee.

kill the writing.

okay, so maybe there isn't going to be any writing for a little while. all in good time, i suppose. i'm too busy trying to earn points to get a nintendo wii, or an iPod touch. hehe, it's all secret. well not really, but i'm still not telling you what it is. if i get enough points, i can get those things, or i can get something else. OMG i should just get a camera. i really want a camera. a nikon or canon one. yeah. or a wii to sell and make money from. yeah. :)

i'm just waiting for the site to load, cos my freaking internet is capped! i mean, c'mon! i wish we had more internet. i don't get how we survived on 12gbs a month before. we still don't really survive with 25gbs even. oh i can't wait until we get tpg internet. stupid. i want it now!

yeah. oh man oh man oh man. i still have to write up 2 more posts after this. i think i might put up a preview of my song of the lioness fanfiction. no flames. constructive criticism is cool with me, since i've just started and this is only a hobby. and i might put up a little of my rose&scorpius fic. we'll just have to wait and see.

i really want a camera.

i really want a new phone. my one's side buttons are dying. but i still love it.

i really want a harry potter themed party.

i really want a hogwarts uniform with the slytherin crest on it.

i really want one with a gryffindor crest on it.

i really want a large flannel shirt.

i really want an iPod dock.

i really want new dvds.

i really want many things, but i won't get them.

on a full stomach

this is weird. i haven't eaten anything all day except for one timtam and one large fruit smoothie. i've just had dinner and i couldn't even finish it. there's really something wrong. well, not really. it's good i'm eating less. i can finally get skinnier. lol.

you know, i was just writing a story before dinner, you didn't guess it. it wasn't rose and scorpius. it was about alanna in song of the lioness. it was weird. well yeah. i've only written one page. oh well, i can dream of being a writer.

my story is quite different from what happens in the actual story. if you've read that quartet/series, i'll explain. if you haven't read it, go read it, or go away. anyway, so in my story so far, alanna and thom have an older brother, who is a knight-to-be. and alanna is actually girly, so she's going to the convent and thom is going to be a sorceror. that's all i've really got so far, but here's the actual plan for the story:

◊ alanna goes to the convent
◊ jason (older brother) is friends with jonathon
◊ alanna goes to the palace
◊ jason introduces his little sister to jon
◊ they fall in love
◊ and live happily ever after

a complication comes along somewhere in there. i haven't decided yet, but i just thought of the idea for this story a few hours ago, so whatever. hopefully i will continue this story.

i don't want another failed story. so yeah...i really need to get going on that love do-decagon.

i might go write now.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

ncis is awesome.

omg, i just finished watching ncis, my absolute favourite show in the world, and in the episode, i saw tony/michael weatherly topless. omg, he's so hot. i totally want him. x) that sounds gross, but whatever. he is so good-looking and yeah.

i have another optometrist appointment tomorrow. i hope i can keep my contacts. you know, my parents told me that getting the night lenses that i have is really hard, cos the closest one besides the one i go to is in campsie. so yeah. and there are basically no other places you can get them. well, that's what i think, cos my cousin who lives in the north had to go to campsie to get them. and it costed $1600 for them. where i got them, they were only $600, so yeah. lucky me.

my optometrist bought the machine for the contacts to do it for her son, so now she uses it for other people so yay for everyone who needs them. or who wants them. those things aren't needed, but you can get them. and i hated my glasses so yeah.

i really have to finish this up soon. oh well.

oh there's a wikipedia page on tony:

an ncis wiki page on him:

anyway that was random. i love him though.

yay i totally love him.

it's back. no,'s gone.

seriously, i had that topic thing in my head just then but i forgot it again. stupid me.

oh yeah, just to tell the people who are going, i'm not going to the city with you people. it's sad, but my parents won't let me. oh yeah, and glo? it might be called off, so be prepared. :P

oh wait, i got a new topic.

you know, i actually still believe in fairytale/happy endings? even though my brain knows that it is near impossible for that to happen, i still believe that everyone will be with "the one" for them in the end. it's really weird. i know,
i'm really weird.

do you believe in fairytale endings? maybe just happy endings is more believable. comment about what you think. cos i believe in them.

i really love the song "accidentally in love" by counting crows. accidentally in love was in shrek. i don't know which shrek it was in, but i love this song. as soon as my sister started playing it, i knew where it was from, and she gave it to me. so i listen to it sort of frequently. sort of. :)

i really want to write a story about that love do-decagon that me & glo wrote. to find out about what on earth the love do-decagon is go to my post called "before i go."

i was just looking through my many blog posts, and i realise that i have completed my goal. see my post "goal : 62" for full terms and conditions details.

random again. i think there's something wrong with me.

p.s yang is trying to see my blog.
p.p.s if he does, i don't care.
p.p.p.s you suck yang.
p.p.p.p.s i don't care if you insult me, you're just trying to find something to do with your life.

in one ear, out the other

i'm really not processing what people are saying today. my sister just asked me, "so you stopped drawing?" and i didn't understand. she had to ask 2 more before i heard properly and understood to answer her. lol.

but you know, i think my ears are getting more sensitive or something. you would think, after all my ears go through when i listen to music constantly, they would be worse. but i think they're actually getting better.

i did have a topic to write about when i was writing the last post, but it just flew out of my head. stupid head, unable to remember things i want to remember. well i remember really important things, but i don't seem to remember the sort of unimportant things. yeah.

you know i just realised that i only type with 5 fingers. well, i use 5 fingers regularly, 2 sometimes and the rest aren't used when i type. i shouldn't be surprised if some fingers look skinnier than others. xD



see you.


i've just spent my last half hour reading rose/scorpius stories. it's really funny and most of them are really really good. the rest of them are either really good or in another language. :)

so i need to write a bunch more posts by the end of today & i've got absolutely nothing to write about.

oh i just remembered something. i won another bag on eBay. it's pretty and it's a light/sky blue. it looks really awesome and i'm getting it soon, hopefully. it will take about 3-5 days to ship it, but i only just won it yesterday, and apparently there's a strike today for postal offices and the like. so that's an extra day. so i'll get it on the 30th at the latest. yay. and i'll get the other thing i won really soon. on christmas day at most i think. lol.

i think i should restrain myself from eBay now. i've been going crazy recently, and i'm blowing my money. yeah. i still have money to buy stuff, but i need to save it for...later.

my blog is getting more and more boring everyday, i reckon. i think it's cos i don't have a whole day of school to report on anymore, since it's the holidays. you know, we don't know where we're having the annual family christmas party this year. hmm. oh well, at least we're having one. i think.

my mum's complaining about bills again. i know, the prices are going up, but talking about the bills make me feel uncomfortable. don't ask me why, cos i don't know.

whatever, bye.

Monday, December 21, 2009



no seriously...


come on!

fucking lumos!

okay, so i don't exactly have magical powers. you know, i was kinda hoping i'd be a muggle-born witch, but whatever. fine. i'm cool with it. hmph.


alright! i'm lying! so what? jeez. i am the most upset anyone could be for not making it into hogwarts. feed me some veritaserum! yeah, that would be so awesome.

i really love hogwarts. i would so go into the room of requirement like...

i want to try some butterbeer too. sounds nice enough. but firewhiskey sounds quite interesting.

hmm, i feel like having a fruit smoothie from pearl central. but too bad i'm too far away to get one. whatever.

i wish i went to hogwarts. i can always dream though.

asian winry.

lol, my sister says i look like an asian winry. if you don't know who she is, go to this website. it's not a virus-y website or anything. it's just wikipedia...

yeah. winry is from a really awesome anime/manga called FULL-METAL ALCHEMIST. i mean, i really love full-metal alchemist. you can tell, cos i named my laptop after a character from it. my laptop's full name is Little-Alphonse. here's the wiki page for the character:

you know, full-metal alchemist is pretty sad at some parts. no, really. alphonse "al" elric is totally awesome. you know, he's actually a suit of armour. well, i'll explain.

okay so edward and alphonse elric are two brothers and when they were young, their mother died. they tried to bring her back to life using alchemy. but it didn't work. with the alchemy that was used to try to bring their mother back, their own body parts had to be lost. so yeah, al and ed failed to bring back their mother, and in the process, ed lost one of his arms and al lost his whole body. i think ed brought him back by putting a "transmutation" circle on a suit of armour. so al can live, but he is a suit of armour. and if any part of that circle is wiped, he will die.

but anyway, it's really quite sad. especially near the end. it's sorta scary and really sad in the anime. i think this is one of the rare cases when the anime is better than the manga. :)

i really love full-metal alchemist.

okay, back on topic. i was talking to sister n when she stopped and said you look like someone. i was like who? and she said winry. i was like ...really? and she was like yeah!


and then i was like yeah, so i could cosplay. and she said yeah!

anyway, that was random. buhbye.

my feet hurt.

so i've got my laptop on my lap, (hence the name laptop), and i put my feet in the table. and the table is hard. so my feet hurt. more specifically, my heels hurt.

who cares about know, the silences between each mario kart race/course is a little awkward. well, more than a little. it's really weird.

i was talking to cousin j yesterday about guys in sbhs and then the race ended. and then it was silent. except me and cousin j talking 'quietly'. and then i could tell people were listening to our conversation. it was awkward but funny.

you know, we walked to woolies before, (me, sister s, cousin j, cousin a, ff c & ff j) and it was quite hot. and were walking there to buy ice cream. we bought cookies & cream and mint choc chip. we were walking back and it was hot. i thought the ice cream would at least melt a little, but it didn't. evidence of this?

well, we were trying to scoop out some cookies & cream ice cream but it was so hard to do. so yeah. cookies & cream and mint choc chip taste really nice separately and mixed together. :D


awkward silences. :)

goal complete!

yay. i completed the goal i set for myself yesterday. that's cool. okay, so i need to write 4 posts a day to keep this up. i doubt i can manage that, but pfft. who cares?




exactly! no one!

that was weird. ff c & ff j are playing mario kart on my wii. it's funny. they were first and second on the last lap, and then ff c (who was first) crashed into a pillar-ish thing on the course, right before the finish line. they were like, "shit." and then ff j also crashed into the pillar. but they still came first and second. it was funny.

i hear the noise made my a blue/spiny shell. then a red one. then another blue/spiny shell. and there goes a red shell. i'm not even watching the tv screen, and i can tell what tupe of shell, or item it is. well i can tell most. truly addicted? yes i am.

actually, i'm not. i just happen to play it a lot, so i notice and learn the sounds.

this course has music that sounds like it belongs in the incredibles movie. :L

bored out of her mind,

♥ rach.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

7 - my previous grade number

i can't believe that i have finished year 7 already. it's unbelievable. but at least i'm not of the titchy little year 7 newcomers. :) i'm in year 8, so i can bully the new ones. not that i will, cos i'll just be guiding them to the wrong classrooms. not. okay, i'll be nice to them, cos i'm such a kind-hearted person. *insert cough here* :)

so yeah. no more easy year 7 for me. now, year 8. when i was in year 7, i didn't like the year 8s. they're really mean. they're like, "ugh, year 7s." i mean, could you get any ruder, you buttholes? well yeah, i guess you could. what bs.

oh well, stuff the year 8s, they'll be in year 9 next year. the year 7s might get them as coaches for co-curricular sports. poor year 7s of 2010.

okay, off the topic of school cos it's the freaking holidays, i really want to have another coming over for the parents, so us kids can play some more. :)

oh damn, my phone is almost out of batteries. ugh, shit. i didn't bring my recharger. stupid.

stuff that, i have my iPod and my laptop, Al. i love Al. Al is about the only thing i put a capital for in any of my posts. some of the ones i do put caps for are:


and i can't think of anymore right now. :P

cya later peeps.

6. the devil's number

you know, i like the number 6. it's also the devil's number. ooh, that totally reminds of the song, 'stairway to heaven'. it's really weird, but i bet most of you have heard of it. yeah anyway, so it reminds of the devil's number because...well when you play a certain part backwards, it comes out as a whole new piece, that makes sense and it has to do with satan, etc. well, ish.

here's the link for he website to listen to it:

oh yeah, and the song is by leg zeppelin. :) it's cool, but it's scary. :L

you know, i suck so bad at rainbow road in mario kart wii. no, seriously. i suck. not even half a minute into the race and i've already fallen off. seriously, and it's not funny at all. well, maybe to you, but it just makes me sad and angry. and when i'm sad and angry, i fall off more. really, i do. well, actually, that's just a reason i made up as to why i fall off so much. i only fall off so much cos i'm a clumsy weirdo. :P


5; a random number

okay, so i just neglected my blog for a few hours, cos i am at my cousin's house. we just had a party and now everyone left. oh how boring. yeah, so a few of us decided to sleep over. a few of us being:

sister n
sister s
cousin j
ff j
ff c
& it's cousin a's house, so yeah.

we played super smash bros. brawl for ages. it was fun, cos i was owning everybody. bwahaha.

i sort of like the number 5. it's really easy to find out if it is a factor of s certain number. i mean, 5s make my life so much easier in math tests.

i'm playing amazing by alex lloyd on iTunes right now. it's a cool song. oh wait, now it's single ladies. xD much?

today was fun. :) lucky number.

all my recent post titles include a number (from my little goal thing) and the word number at the end. so i'll just keep the pattern going.

oh you know in that post called "2, my favourite number"? well i talked about the annoying american spelling. yeah, so they do 'or' & we do 'our' at the end of certain words, right? well, my shirt says "glamor" in caps. note the missing 'u'. the shirt has american spelling.

:O i know!

ugh, stupid shirt. i have no other shirts to wear. whatever.

i can't believe i'm going to be in year 8 next year. :S how weird. sometimes, i still forget my way around. expecially which computer room is which. ><>

i was just rubbing my eye, and i moved my hand to avoid touching my non-existant glasses. i forgot i'm not wearing glasses anymore. :|

so, post name. 4 is actually my lucky number, even if it sounds like death in chinese. very unlucky apparently, but oh well. i like the number 4. it's cool. i did have more to say, but it flew out of my head. =="

nothing eventful is happening, so i'll see y'all later.

3: it's a magic number.

yeah...♪3, it's a magic number♪

you: and the above is relevant, how?
me: well, this is the third post of the day.
you: omg. you have no life.
me: yes, yes i know.

so anyway, you know, i've realised that i am sick of listening to you belong with me. well, not sick, but i don't feel like listening to it. it's getting boring. :)

lol, you know i just dropped my iPod, and it shuffled itself. LOL. well, i didn't drop it, it merely slid of my lap and onto the chair. and it shuffled. sometimes, i can't get it to shuffle. :| i'm not weak or anything, ok? well, maybe i am. i just don't put a lot of effort into shuffling iPod songs.

random? i know. of course i know. i wrote this damned thing. you know, my blog is more of a diary than my actual diary. well, diaries. yes, i have multiple diaries. actually, only 2. xD i used to write one entry a day, cos i had nothing better to do. then i got slack. i haven't written a diary entry since more than a year ago. :L oh well. i have the internet to write about my life. i have my lovely blog. :)

i'll write a new posts in a few hours, unless i think of something.

2, my favourite number.

well you know, 2 actually is my favourite number. i love the number 2 & 4. oh, you know what? 2 isn't my favourite number. 2 & 4 are my equal favourites.

i hate how americans spell their words...well these words especially:



and when i write the aussie way in my blogs, there's always the red line underneath it. it's stupid.

i also find jail so american, but i find gaol plain weird. so i just don't use that word. i haven't used that word in ages.

i haven't written much in this blog post. i can't wait to go shopping with my friends. well, if my freaking parents let me. so i'm only allowed to go if friend a2 and/or friend v go. ugh. and friend v is going to melbourne, so it depends on friend friend a2. >:(

i hope friend a2 goes. if not, i'll die. hmph.

another goal? preposterous.

okay, so i've made up this stupid goal to complete.

it is...

to do seven more posts today.

so, that's 1 done, 6 to go, cos this would be post #1 out of 7.

you know, i'm at cousin a's house. i slept over last night, cos we have a surprise party for my family friends' mum's birthday. and my mum and dad had to go somewhere, and we decided to sleep over. me and sister n anyway. when we decided to go, sister s was already asleep. :)

they rearranged the front room, my aunt and cousin did. it's basically just swapped around. it looks like 2 rooms joined together, and they moved everything from one half to the other. just swapping, really. :)

i'm listening to our song by taylor swift right now. she looks so pretty in that video clip. :( it makes me feel bad.

you know, when i typed bad, i typed bag, but then i backspaced it. the same thing happened just then, at the beginning of the paragraph. :P so, the bag reminded me of the textiles bag i made. well, it's not exactly finished yet. i should finish it by the 29th. cos i'm going shopping with my friends, and i don't have any good bags to bring. the ones i'm buying can't ship that fast.

yeah, i don't think they can. cos the shipping takes 1-6 days, and that's excluding weekends, so yeah. :S i might get it before the 29th but might not. i might get my mum to finish it for me. she said to give it to her to finish anyway. LOL.

i need to save some topics for the rest of the 6 that are to come. :P

the high bidder.

throughout the whole auction for that bag i wanted, no one bid for it. so i was the high bidder until the end. so, basically, i won. :) i got the bag. it's pretty. :) yeah, i put up a picture for you people to look at.

oh and did you know, on fanfiction, i've read through exactly 13 pages (out of 16), with 25 different stories on each page. :) so much reading. i have bookmarked pretty much all of those stories, so if i lost mozilla, all the stories i've bookmarked will disa-freaking-ppear. hopefully they won't. yeah, the won't. heh, why would they? :D

pretty bag. so, what y'all doin? i'm doing nothing. my eBay obsession has worn itself out. actually, no. it hasn't but i don't feel like eBay surfing right now. i need something to do. i'm not bothered to read, i'm listening to my iPod, but i need something else to do. iPod by itself does not quench my boredom.


i like juice.

do you?

Saturday, December 19, 2009


i was just bombarding friend a1 with my latest eBay obsession. that being handbags. so, i've just bid for on eBay, and bid for a different bag as well. and i want to buy another 6 bags. well the 6 bags count as one thing on eBay. it's 6 cute denim bags for $12. i want them. i'll give them to my friends if they want them. :)

so, a1 was nice and listened to my babbling and asking about the bags, if i should get them or not. she said that i should get them if i'll use them. and i will use them. :) good friend, a1 is.

it's really fun looking through bags on eBay. seriously, oroton for $300. i know that is supposedly cheap, but there are other nice handbags out there for much cheaper. i said that to my mum, and she said, you know in america, there is a brand name and the cheapest handbag for that brand costs $1400? i was like holy crap. the most expensive one is so expensive i can't even remember how much it costs. :O i know.

yay, i can't wait to get those bags. x) this is fun.

ooh, i need to go and bid on something else now.

see ya later alligators.


night lenses, or whatever you want to call them, are sort of annoying. i swear, when i first had them on at the optometrist, they felt like they were going to fall out. it was really quite uncomfortable. so, last night, i put them in. it took a while...

i was waiting to check sister s's tutor homework, and it was 1:20 in the freaking morning. ugh. i totally need to teach her to do her homework on time, and not to leave it to the last minute. well, i leave my stuff to the last minute, but she leaves it to the very very very last minute. i leave it, but i do it the night before and still get to sleep on time. sister s, on the other hand, leaves it to the very very very last minute and gets to sleep at 1 in the morning. stupid girl.

anyway, so it was 1:20am and i decided to go to sleep. i went into the bathroom and i read the instructions on what to do. (i wrote those myself, with my sister's help xP) and i washed my hands, yadda yadda. so, i washed the lenses and proceeded to put them in. except it took me about 5+ tries to get it in the right eye, and the right eye is easier for me to do. for the left eye, it took around 10 goes.


it was hard, ok? i thought it was going to fall out afterwards.

oh yeah, when i put the contact in the left eye, i didn't put it in properly, so it sorta hurt. oh well, it got done in the end, so whatever.

yeah, so i'm half-blind. well, everything's just blurry. but it's better than when i don't have my glasses on. :)

see y'all later.

Friday, December 18, 2009

a boring blog.


boring. boring.
boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring. boring.

yes, it really is a boring post. i am really bored. as you can see. that is what is going through my head. speaking of heads, i saw my older sister watching doctor who. i have no idea what heads have to do with doctor who but whatever. i just checked back on this page, and i was distracted. looking at handbags again. i actually stopped mid-sentence. anyway, so doctor who. i never watch doctor who. i mean, it's good and all, but i'm not bothered to watch it. it was funny today. you know, this post hasn't been autosaved in 1 hour exactly? lol.

so, you know oroton bags? i saw one on eBay for $315. i was like, "wtf? expensive much?" but then it said RRP $695. who would buy a frickin bag for that much? i may understand if it was $100 or something, but $700 is just getting stupid. there's this bag, & i really want it. it's around $17 and it has peace signs printed on it. it's pretty. it's like 35cm across and stuff and i really want it. someone comment and tell me if i should get it or not. i want it, but its $17 so yeah.


my eBay.

i've been eBay surfing for the last hour i think. for handbags. i'm quite sad, but whatever. i was bored out of my mind. so yeah, i was looking at handbags on eBay, and i read a fanfic about scorpius and rose. :) they're great together.

yeah, anyway, i was just wondering how people can sell handbags for about $5, even if they are cheap asian ones. xP

so, handbags. i don't get why some handbags cost over $100. i mean, even if it is real leather, it is a little expensive. really, that is ridiculous. someone should make a brand name that is affordable (like...$20?) yeah. that would be good.

i forgot about this post...i was reading fanfiction again. i've been getting so many emails today. well, so many for me. i check my inbox and read the emails, then 5 minutes later, i have to check it again cos another email came. okay, so i just read that email. hopefully, i'll be done with email checking for today.

i think i'll go surf some more eBay stuff...

"OHMYGOD IT'S A WHALE!" --Charlie the Unicorn 3

oh yes, and i got night lenses. they're sort of annoying, but it's better than glasses, i guess. my eyes get irritated easily and apparently they're very sensitive. damn.

ok...byebye for now.